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Ali Oh’s Amazing Porn Stair Questionnaire: Cinnamon

Guest post by MadeOfWords

Cinnamon actually sent me their questionnaire with perfect timing. I couldn’t have planned it better myself. Because today is the day that I’m reviewing the latest episode of CrashPad… an episode Cinnamon stars in alongside of (or shall I say on top of) their co-star Indigo. In fact, I’m watching it as I type this. Which makes for wicked slow going. Can we say distracted? Any-yummy-porn, Cinnamon wanted a bio but was a little on the shy side about writing one, so head on over to their CrashPad page–yummy porn pictures included. And stay tuned for the double-feature action, a review of their episode to follow!

What is your favorite book?

I’ve read tons of great books in this lifetime and couldn’t pick just one favorite. Or even five or ten. However, Stranger in a Strange Land and When Rabbit Howls come to mind. But there are more.

What has been your least favorite job? And I don’t mean sex industry related, I mean like Burger King in the twelfth grade bad.

Ugh. I worked at Toys R Us for a VERY quick minute, but still during Black Friday. You know, the day after Thanksgiving, the “best shopping day full of deals of the entire year.” Yeah. It was awful. The children weren’t really the problem, it was the parents that were terrible. They were so worried about what toys were on sale and getting everything on their child’s list for the holidays that they became real monsters.

If you could condemn a corporation for unethical behavior, which of the monsters would you pick?

Can I say FUCK DE JA VUE and other close-minded adult entertainment corporations? Is that appropriate?

It’s really awful to walk into a strip club for an audition and hear over and over and over again, “Sorry you’re too big”, “Sorry you’re too fat”, “We already have too many Black girls”. I could go on, but I’ll just stop now.

The last five dollars you spent before reading these questions went to which establishment?

Taco Tuesday up the street at Zorro’s Taqueria.

Are you a dog person or a cat person? Justify your answer.

Neither. This is selfish, but true. I really don’t want to be responsible for another living thing, even a plant. Things need love and care and my life is too, too, too something for me to bother with trying to give a pet what it needs.

If you could move anywhere in the world without thinking about the consequences, which place would you pick?

If I could move anywhere I think I’d be into living New Orleans or Atlanta for a while.

What is your most frequent grammatical error?

Various spelling errors, because I haven’t taken the time to proofread.

Conversely, which grammatical error drives you insane?

Spelling errors due to simple laziness.

Questions About Sex

Favorite position.

My favorite position has to be face down ass up. Or any other variation of. Something new.

Philosophy on polyamory.

Is it possible to have some compromise?

Do you have a “best fuck” or not? Can a person have one time that they consider their best?

I think I’ll remember much of the sex and sexy things I’ve done in the last few years while coming out as a person. But I have been having pretty amazing sex lately. . .

Favorite toy.

My favorite toy is definitely my HITACHI.

Name a person who has changed or shaped your perspective on sex. Not their real name, of course, if they are uncomfortable with that, but who they are (which is far different.)

I’ve learned a lot from everyone I’ve spent real time with and have gotten to know in the last few years at my job at the Lusty Lady. Those folks are smart, wise, and have great experience and advice.

Top, bottom, switch, or a word I haven’t thought to put here?


What do you love about sex with women (take that any way you wish)? What do you love about sex with men (take that any way you wish)?

What I love about sex with other people in general is exploring another’s body. I love it. I love learning new things about people’s bodies. What their skin feels like, what sounds they make, what they like, what they don’t like etc.

If you had to change your performance nom de plume, as in you must change it, what would you change it to?

Who is this person forcing me to change my name? Can I speak with them?

If I had to change my performance nom de plume I’d change it to… Well Shit. I don’t know. Brown/ie Sugar? Nut Meg, two words? Suga, yes Suga? I’d really need to put some thought into it. However, if I needed to come up with something immediately I think I’d go with Goldie Schlager.

How did you get your (real, current) performance nom de plume (or stage name, I just felt like being pretentious and French. Also I just listened to the Aladdin sound track.)

I got my real performance name, because when I started getting into modeling and stripping, a friend jokingly said “Ha ha, you could be Brownie Suga.” When I went for my first audition and they asked my stage name, froze and all I could hear in my head was “Brown Suga, Brown Suga, Brown Suga”, but I didn’t want that name because I don’t think it fits quite right, so I picked the next best thing: Cinnamon.


Questions About Questions

When people ask you questions, what do they normally ask? Do you get the same questions over and over again? What are those repeat offenders?

When people ask me questions they usually ask “Why do you do this kind of work, How’d you get into it, Do you plan to do this forever?” Those kinds of things. And why did I pick the name I chose.

What’s been the most inappropriate question you’ve been asked? How did you feel about it?

Although it felt inappropriate it was very appropriate, “How do you feel being a bigger, thicker black woman among these other performers?”

What do you wish people would ask? What’s a question you’re dying to answer?

I wish people would ask what they really want to ask. I always feel as though maybe there are things being left unsaid, like the interview or other person hasn’t gotten all the information they want. Really ask what you want to ask. Yes, there are inappropriate ways to ask questions, but aren’t they all at least a little, little bit worth asking?

To be honest, I cant think of anything that I’ve been dying to answer. I’m used to hearing the same questions over and over, and those have gotten stuck.

Answer that question, please.

Quite honestly, I’d be up for answering most any question, it’s just that I usually can’t think of an answer!

Why was that question so important to you?

If you want to ask it and are interested in the answer, so is someone else.


James Lipton Style Questions

What is your favorite sound in all the world?

The voices of my siblings.

How about your least favorite sound?

The voices of my siblings. . .

If God exists, what would you like to hear him/her/hir say when you get to heaven?

Amazing, Splendid, Fabulous and all around Fierce.

Watch Cinnamon Maxxine’s scenes on CrashPad

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