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Crash Pad Blog

Face Down, Ass Up, Lips Sealed

Guest post by MadeOfWords

It was a unique way to watch a CrashPad episode.

How was it a unique way? Well, I was watching Cinnamon on the screen at the same time as writing the introduction to their Porn Star Questionnaire responses. And when that happens, you notice that the answer to favorite position (face down, ass up) seems to match up with what’s going down on the screen.

It reiterates what I already know about Pink and White Productions and how they treat their models – they get to have sex the way they like it. Indigo and Cinnamon seem to be no exception.

It’s also amazing to get inside a performer’s head a little, to know while watching the episode that they’ve read so many amazing books in their lifetime that they can’t pick just one favorite and that details like that make up a person, appear in their actions in some small way. Right down to the way they bottom from the top, the way they rely entirely on their body language to do the talking. All those details put that together. No one performer’s style in the sack isn’t affected by the last place they spent five dollars. And their performance name could be directly or indirectly related to the worst job they’ve ever had.

But I digress.

My review of this episode is based on one thing: the lack of noise. While this didn’t much work for me, I tried to look at it from my girlfriend’s point of view. My girlfriend hates noise, sounds, talking of all sorts. Perhaps it’s just because she went to film school, but she thinks every sex act should wind up like a silent movie:  scored with music in the background, no spoken words.  (She’s reading this and says occasional direction is the exception, not the rule.) I’m more of a talkie. Hell, maybe even a movie-musical with dance numbers. So I watched this episode through their eyes – what would she appreciate about this? Well, there’s no music. But the body language is outstanding – probably some of the best non-verbal communication I’ve seen yet. The look that Indigo gives Cinnamon at the very top, the “come hither, sexpot” eyes and the beckoning finger, are spot on – you know exactly what they want.

And it’s not cheesy either – so many beginnings are super awkward, not really sure who wants what, not really sure how to get to the sex part. But with these two, bam. The chemistry is instantly there, it’s clear who wants what. No words. And that’s a magical thing. In fact, these two are so in tune with each other that I’d bet they’re together in real life. Even if they aren’t truly, that’s what I would guess just looking at them.

In the end, Cinnamon comes through with some sexy sounds, but by and large this is very hush-hush. And watching the non-verbal communication happen in this episode gives me a greater appreciation for the quiet.

Watch the episode here.

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