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Crash Pad Blog

I Finally Caught Crash Pad Live!

A guest post by MadeOfWords

Vacation has meant that I haven’t posted any of my normal CrashPad reviews.  I’m behind by quite a few.  And I don’t want to try and squeeze them into one post.  I will do them all in time.

What I do want to talk about, while it’s on my mind, is CrashPad live streaming.  It’s a fairly new thing, and until yesterday it’s been a fairly new thing that I haven’t had a chance to catch yet.  But I was privileged enough to watch the shoot between Afrodisiac and J-Bird from the comfort of my own computer.

The live streaming is worth the membership by itself.  Here’s why:

  1. Community.  Watching this piece that we are all going to love and watch and review being born?  That’s pretty fucking cool.  And there’s a bunch of us watching it together.  Think about it.  A bunch of queers watching the sexy time together.  Think about how many vibrators buzzed across the country.
  2. Realistic views of porn and therefore sex.  I loved when J-Bird stopped the action to clarify what they wanted and felt safe with.  I loved to see the bits that get cut.  I love to see that even the sex titans, those who fuck professionally, need to stop to get the gloves.
  3. Um…sex?  Hello?!  I love watching fucking as it’s going on.  It makes me feel just the right kind of dirty in just the right amount.  Like a role play in which I’m peaking in a window.  Completely consensual, but fun and slightly taboo.
  4. The sheer technical aspect of this.  Live streaming is hard.  Lots of things can go wrong.  There are so many other things to focus on without having to worry about entertaining a live audience.  And perhaps the reason I liked it so much was that they weren’t really worried about it–they were lovely and natural.  And they seemed to make the whole deal look effortless.
  5. These jobs are the funnest.  I have a giant warm spot in my heart for CrashPad already.  And that warm spot just got warmer, and no, it’s not because anyone peed on it.  Because these guys look like they’re having fun and they make me want to do what they do.

And a million other things.

A guest post by MadeOfWords, originally published in 2011. Featured image: CrashPad Episode 107: AfroDisiac and J-Bird.

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