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The Power of Pink and White to Make Porn

The title seems obvious. Of course Pink and White makes porn. They produce Crash Pad Series, Heavenly Spire, movies. Though I haven’t seen much of Heavenly Spire, I can attest that CrashPadSeries is some of the queerest, most awesome porn I’ve ever seen. It is a smorgasbord of gender presentations and identities, of orientations and body types and people with pleasure etched on their faces.

When I titled this review, I was thinking of the verb “Make” in a slightly different sense.

Today I watched the episode between Joan and Vai. It was good and I definitely got my yayas out. But once again, what truly interested me was the behind the scenes video. Vai has come to (and in) the Pad a few times, but Joan is a first-timer. Not just for Crash Pad, but for porn in general. And we come to find out that this is the first time Vai has ever shot with a partner, with someone they felt this closely bonded with. And not only that, but Joan only got on the porn train because Vai asked them to. Because they knew it was hot for Vai. And though they state “I’m not really that into porn,” they also really like what they know about CrashPad. How it’s a non-judgmental space that is very positive for pretty much anyone. And that’s why Joan did it. Both lovely models say that the shoot felt very intimate, and one can definitely see that when they bring out the basket of DIY sex toys. It’s a shoot with a lot of personality featuring a couple with a lot of personality. One of which would have never stepped foot on to a porn set had it not been for CrashPad’s exemplary reputation.

This is where I want to revisit the verb “make.” According to the very handy and accessible searchable dictionary on my computer, make can mean several different things.

1 form (something) by putting parts together or combining substances; construct; create
2 cause (something) to exist or come about; bring about
3 [ with obj. and infinitive ] compel (someone) to do something

We all know Pink and White literally creates specific pornographic episodes or movies. They form, construct, and create something by putting parts together and they publish that something on their website very frequently. I want to argue that they do not just make pornographic episodes but that they contribute to the creation of the genre and that by their very existence they alter the perception of porn and push it into new, higher places. They are literally making porn: the concept, not just porn: the thing that is now all over my iPad.

They are causing something to exist. They bring in new people to their positive, non-judgmental world and create a subset of porn where representation and inclusivity are the norm. Where they do not label their material “girl on girl.” They are pushing their viewers and their industry.

They compel people to do things. And I don’t mean the sleazy, non-consensual compel. What they stand for brings people to be action-oriented, to make content instead of only consuming it. To vote with their dollar. To change what is acceptable and normal into encompassing the extraordinary.

It’s also pretty impressive that, even while I was thinking these lofty, half-formed, inarticulate thoughts, watching Vai and Joan fucking still got me off. Twice.

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