Venus Selenite

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Gemini Sun/Sagitarious Rising/Virgo Moon | Switch/Exhibitionist/Kitten

I decided to be openly comfortable with my holistic sexual liberation journey/practice and it took me four years to arrive. CrashPad feels like the perfect spot to unapologetically declare that my sexuality is immaculate and needed.
About Me: Black queer genderfluid trans woman, writer, artist, heaux, neo-hippie priestess, and strong advocate of Oreos.
Turn Ons: Sensuality, femmes of all genders, kitten play, laughter, group sex, the reclamation of fag and dyke.
Who I'd Like to Meet: Janet Jackson and Zazu Nova
My Identity and/or Sexual Interests: Pronouns: Ve/Vir and Xe/Xym. QTPOC, #VenusSelenite, #RehabYearTour

As Seen In:
COVID EDITION: Venus Selenite
“Sex workers are essential workers too.” While we all wait for it to become safe to shoot again, join us as we check in with […]
Happy 2020 from CrashPadSeries!
Our annual tradition: A compilation of Shine’s favorite moments from 2019, set to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. As always, it has an… explosive finish. Thank you […]
Episode 292: Venus Selenite’s Solo
Venus Selenite goes through the looking glass “Mirror, mirror, in Venus’s hand, who’s the hottest in all the land? You’re looking at xym! Venus Selenite […]
Happy 2018 from CrashPadSeries!
Our annual tradition: A compilation of Shine’s favorite moments from 2017, set to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. As always, it has an… explosive finish. Thank you […]
Episode 248: Caleb Daniels and Venus Selenite
Caleb and Venus are divine “Caleb Daniels and Venus Selenite grace the Crash Pad with their sweet, sweaty sexuality. Caleb pleasures Venus with soft strokes […]