Sugar Blair

Cancer | Pillow Princess or Switch, depending on my mood... | Happily non-mono

If I had a nickel for every time a girl told me, "I can't believe how easy it is to get you off! You should do porn," I might have enough for the bus. I come in multiple flavors, it’s true -- but vanilla isn’t one of them. So Crash Pad seemed like the perfect place to pop my hardcore cherry and make some fucking art. One hit later and I’m hooked on the sugar high of queerly amorous pornography.
About Me: As a feminist vegan, I consider baking delectable treats for sexy girls a righteous political act (if you ask nicely, you just might be next). You see, I’m about the sweetest introvert you ever did meet. A professional nerd by trade, painting and photography are my arts of choice -- and, you may agree, I have a few other talents up my sleeve, too...
Turn Ons: Okay, you know that girl (or boi) with lots of tattoos and eyes that say “trouble”? She’s androgynous, dapper, genderqueer, or maybe even high femme. An artist (of course). And she looks like she might just tie you up for days? That one. The one that’s nothing but bad news. She’s just my type.
Who I'd Like to Meet: More of those girls.
My Identity and/or Sexual Interests: #femme #dyke #switch #poly #kindakinky

As Seen In:
Episode 167: Chelsea Poe and Sugar Blair
Chelsea Poe sweetens Sugar Blair’s deal. “In this year of many good returns, Sugar Blair welcomes Chelsea Poe home from colder climes… but while Chelsea […]
Happy 2014 from CrashPad
Shine’s favorite moments from 2013. Happy holidays from Shine Louise Houston and the crew at Thank you for supporting us through another great year!
Episode 151: Hayley Fingersmith and Sugar Blair
Hayley makes up with Sugar “Sounds like Hayley Fingersmith is giving her girlfriend the ol’ run-around, which makes this particular rendezvous officially ‘illicit.’ Forbidden passions […]