Sal Marquez

Cancer | Switch

I kept coming across it and seeing people I had a crush on. Then I got to work on SNAPSHOT and really liked everyone involved. I also wanted to work with a company where I could be myself and not fit any stereotypical roles.
About Me: I'm a South American born, Bay Area raised Kinky queer socialist. I love to hustle, farming, modeling, making art, trading.
Turn Ons: Butts! All the smelly bits, like armpits, toes, etcs. Dirty people that like to do dirty things.
Who I'd Like to Meet: Hugo chavez, Garcia Marquez, my great grandfather Cambiras
My Identity and/or Sexual Interests: Pronouns: He/Him #qpoc

As Seen In:
CrashPad Series Volume 9: Harnesses and Hard Femmes
Lube up, strap in, and prepare yourself for Volume 9! In CrashPad Series Volume 9: Harnesses and Hard Femmes, director Shine Louise Houston highlights CrashPad’s […]
COVID EDITION: Ramses Rodstein
“Let’s go wash our hands so we can get some fun started….” While we all wait for it to become safe to shoot again, join […]
Episode 310: Sal Marquez and Vivi Marie
Vivi Marie haunts Sal Marquez “Sexy supernatural shenanigans! Sal Marquez is visited by the Ghost of Humility (who looks an awful lot like Vivi Marie […]
Happy 2020 from CrashPadSeries!
Our annual tradition: A compilation of Shine’s favorite moments from 2019, set to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. As always, it has an… explosive finish. Thank you […]
Episode 287: Ramses Rodstein and Sal Marquez
Sal Marquez rides Ramses Rodstein “I love it when frequent guests bring back familiar faces! It’s been a while since we saw Sal Marquez, though […]
Episode 224: ViVi Marie, Sal Marquez, and Luka Peona
ViVi Marie, Sal Marquez, and Luka Peona are a triple treat “Just in time for Bi Visibility Day, Vivi, Sal, and Luka take threesomes to […]