Caution - 9 May Bite | Princess | Delicious

Ms. Lola if You're Nasty
9 is thrilled to always seem to find herself in the middle of the most interesting situations. So, when her friends Cinnamon and Chocolate chip called her up from the CrashPad, how could she say no?
About Me: 9 is a kinky queer high femme poly pervert slut (now say that 5 times fast, I dare you!). Amongst her weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and a fanatical devotion to tiny outfits, slutty lingerie, impossibly fabulous shoes, and glitter.
Turn Ons: My hella-rad primary, excellent manners, vintage glamour, rampant unrepentant faggotry, glitter, corrupted innocence, reading comprehension, kinky squares, amazing shoes, old school butch energy, traffic-stopping asses, attention to detail, D/s and power exchange, little bois in underoos, good conversations with lots of laughter, high femme diva ridiculousness, tea parties, heavy SM, queer cock, fancy fucking bitches, cute boys in hot cars, really good writing.
Who I'd Like to Meet: People I won’t break.
My Identity and/or Sexual Interests: High Femme Queer Poly Pervert.

As Seen In:
Jiz Lee’s Dirty 30 Birthday Orgy
Technical difficulties may have bedeviled our live-streaming plans, but we can still bring you the footage of Jiz Lee’s birthday blowout! Party guests included Princess […]
Episode 081: 9, Chocolate Chip and Cinnamon Maxxine
9 improves her day with Chocolate Chip and Cinnamon. “After being invited to the Pad, it’s discovered 9 suffered through a day unfit for the […]