Lucy LaCroix

GemSun, Sag Moon, Leo Rising | Switch | Relationship Anarchist

Why porn in general for the first time? I'm invested in doing things that scare me. Practising openness, vulnerability, and trust is part of my process of ever becoming. Queer sex is magic. Self-sex can be joyful and creative, inquisitive and transformative. I want to see reverence for and celebration of fat bodies everywhere, so why not contribute mine? We could always, always use more windows through which to view how others love and lust after themselves and one another, more panes in which we see ourselves reflected. Why here? Because Crash Pad understands all these things.
About Me: Mommydom, girl, gleeful sadomasochist, power bottom, Amazon, ingenue, spinner of logical family webs, working-class community-educated kink educator, storyteller, and occasional writer, proud public pervert.
Turn Ons: Gloves, goloshes, big batting lashes, gas masks, boots, pits, spit, pain, power, age play, rusty metal, antiques, the smell of sawdust, old books, motor oil, and baby powder, radical politics, radical tenderness, brazenness, candour, conviction
Who I'd Like to Meet: Fellow ageplayers, leatherfolk, Midwesterners, working-class queers, punks and metalheads, ex-Evangelical apostates, babes of all genders who give good flirt.
My Identity and/or Sexual Interests: Pronouns: She/her. Femme, bi, Mommy, girl, leatherdyke, fetishist, kinkster, piglet.

As Seen In:
Happy 2019 from CrashPadSeries!
Our annual tradition: A compilation of Shine’s favorite moments from 2018, set to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. As always, it has an… explosive finish. Thank you […]
Episode 263: Lucy LaCroix’s Solo
Lucy LaCroix shows us love. “May is Masturbation Month, and Lucy LaCroix has her hand on the button of a Magic Wand. Proving that BDSM […]