
Scorpio | Bottom | Open

“I love porn. I want to participate in the bodily act of creation of it as art. To be a fully participating individual of the sex positive movement within the queer revolution. To fuck the binary gender roles. I want my actions to intellectually arouse and physically shoot cum into mouth of other queers who are my family and my community. Who better to do that with than Pink & White?”
About Me: Brown, queer, dual natured, twin stared, shape shifter, loud music lover, Pilipino loud talking, dancing, over indulger. Return to the worship of the Divine Feminine. I offer my flesh at Her blessed feet.
Turn Ons: Anal sex, fist or two cocks, getting tied up and beaten senseless, writhing in pain, threesomes, exploration of gender fucking, porn. Hot masculine tops that make me suffer to be pushed to the edge with pain and made to choke on my tears.
Who I'd Like to Meet: Other maniacal mischief makers. nymphomaniac intellectuals.

As Seen In:
Jiz Lee’s Dirty 30 Birthday Orgy
Technical difficulties may have bedeviled our live-streaming plans, but we can still bring you the footage of Jiz Lee’s birthday blowout! Party guests included Princess […]
Episode 061: Lemmy and P-U-P-P-Y
Newcomers Lemmy and P-U-P-P-Y take the show on the road “Our first installment from the CrashPad Roadshow will leave you breathless. Rough and tumble hotties […]