Frankie Starship

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Gemini | Versatile Switch / Sadomasochist | Open

CrashPad is a home of queer delight and deviance for many and I am just one of the many! While working for another pornographic media distributor, I came across CrashPad and became immediately infatuated. I fell in love with their inclusivity of queer & trans folks, people of color, and body variance. It feels like medicine for my soul to watch them grow, move, and shake. I was invited to pair with a cutie (Cherry Pierce) in my first professional scene and I couldn't believe it! A dream came true the day of our shoot...and there's many more to cum, I'm sure! :)
About Me: Frankie Starship (they/them) is your nonbinary salacious slut-of-a-pal who loves to transcend the mundane through a deviant mix of pain and pleasure. They are open to all who are willing to flip the Switch. Alternatively, and especially while Topping, they go by Angelic Transcendental Being (ATB or Angel for short.) You can find them on Instagram @starshipfrankie. Be sure to check out their magic link in their bio!
Turn Ons: Spanking (receiving and giving), pain (receiving and giving), pleasing my partner, cold metal / warm touch on cold skin, restraints (receiving and giving)
Who I'd Like to Meet: Jiz Lee and Shine! (Accomplished!) Tristan Taormino Duncan Trussell Jean Luc Piccard
My Identity and/or Sexual Interests: Pronouns: They/Them. #ATB #agender #nonbinary #queer #switch #angelictranscendentalbeing #pan #pansexual

As Seen In:
Episode 338: Frankie Starship and Nomi Vex
Frankie Starship gets to know Nomi Vex “When Frankie Starship and Nomi Vex crash-land at the CrashPad, Frankie gets flung down, flogged, and finger-fucked. Nomi […]
Happy New Year 2022!
It’s the return of our annual tradition: A compilation of Shine’s favorite moments from the year, set to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture! Thank you for being […]
Episode 329: Frankie Starship and Vex Venom
Vex Venom and Frankie Starship blast off “Frankie Starship is here to take Vex Venom to space… subspace, that is. After sampling Vex’s talented tongue, […]