Audrey Rose

The skeptic in me eschews superstitions | Bratty Bottom, Novice Top | Taken, but looking

I became interested in the site after a friend of mine recommended it. Needless to say, I loved what I saw and I wanted to be a part of it. Crash Pad truly allows the models they shoot to be themselves in whichever way matters to them. This refreshing authenticity is obvious in their product and is the reason I love the Crash Pad.
About Me: Just a girl meandering about her life.
Turn Ons: Techies, gamers, cubers, people with power, business wear, Caribbean accents, cyclists wearing helmets, and smart people in general.
Who I'd Like to Meet: Sexy geeks, anyone that can quickly solve a cube, and Broc Samson.
My Identity and/or Sexual Interests: Poly tart, I love all things sexual but I have a preference for power exchanges. Fantasies in which one party gives up control to another turn me on most.