Alice the Wolfe

Pisces | Sadist/Top/Domme | Poly - in multiple relationships

Mrs. Alice
I love queering up the world, and CrashPad is part of what inspired me to do so in a very visibile way. Also, I like porn!
About Me: Pansexual ex-crust punk trans dyke on the femme side of the scale, but just barely. Rope bondage educator, artist, and performer.
Turn Ons: Drool, pain, involuntary responses (goosebumps, gagging, tears)
My Identity and/or Sexual Interests: she/her, "it" pronouns, trans ropequeers, femme, futch

As Seen In:
Happy 2019 from CrashPadSeries!
Our annual tradition: A compilation of Shine’s favorite moments from 2018, set to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. As always, it has an… explosive finish. Thank you […]
Episode 264: Alice the Wolfe, Ava D’Amore, and Margot Rose
Alice the Wolfe has Ava D’Amore and Margot Rose for dinner “Alice the Wolfe doesn’t need to huff or puff to blow Ava D’Amore’s and […]