Alexa Braeburn

Gemini | Switch

My beautiful wife, for her 10-year anniversary shoot!
About Me: Alexa is a tender Dom obsessed with intensity. She enjoys practicing non-exclusive possessiveness, laughing at absurd things, word-play and messy eating.
Turn Ons: Intimacy, grinding, that surprised, adoring slightly frightened look you get. Ownership, raunchy bathroom sex, seeing you below me.
Who I'd Like to Meet: Filthy wholesome sluts
My Identity and/or Sexual Interests: Pronouns: She/Her. Tags: queerfemme, feral femme, femme4femme queer girls in love

As Seen In:
Happy 2018 from CrashPadSeries!
Our annual tradition: A compilation of Shine’s favorite moments from 2017, set to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. As always, it has an… explosive finish. Thank you […]
Episode 247: Alexa Braeburn and Julie Aurora
Julie takes a bite out of Alexa “Julie Aurora returns 10 YEARS after first visiting the Crash Pad. WOW! Alexa Braeburn’s here to celebrate her […]